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Coombes L, Braybrook D, Roach A, Scott H, Harðardóttir D, Bristowe K, Ellis-Smith C, Bluebond-Langner M, Fraser LK, Downing J, Farsides B, Murtagh FEM, Harding R; C-POS.

Achieving child-centred care for children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions-a qualitative interview study.

Eur J Pediatr. 2022 Aug 12:1–14.

doi: 10.1007/s00431-022-04566-w.

Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35953678; PMCID: PMC9371630.


A total of 106 participants were recruited: 26 children (5-17 years), 40 parents (of children 0-17 years), 13 siblings (5-17 years), 15 health and social care professionals, 12 commissioners.

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