英語論文データベースに論文を5本追加しました。 前回の更新のお知らせ以降に、過去に代表の個人ブログにアップしていた論文を移行したりして、この5本以外にもたくさん追加しています。
A caregivers' perspective on social reintegration and stigma of childhood cancer survivors in Kenya
Risk of congenital anomalies in children who have a sibling with cancer: A matched cohort study
"Filling in the gap": A qualitative case study about identity construction of siblings of youth with a neurodisability
"We want to include him in that journey": A qualitative descriptive study of parental experiences and considerations for sibling inclusion in the paediatric ICU
Caregiver perceptions of the impact of Dravet syndrome on the family, current supports and hopes and fears for the future: A qualitative study