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Registered Sibshops

Registered Shibu Shop

Introduced here is a program that is a registered sibling shop of the US sibling support project.
In January 2003, the standards for practicing Shibu Shop were established, and in order to use the name and logo of Shibu Shop, it was necessary to apply for and register for the sibling support project.
One of the conditions is "to receive direct training for two days of the sibling support project".
For items, see "Standards for Shibu Shop Practice".
For details, please see the "Sibling Support Project Site (in English)" or contact the Society for Disseminating Sibling Support.

● Osaka Osaka City Shibutane (Sibling Support Tanemaki Project) [For children]

We hold an event called "Sibling Day" where siblings of sick children can play a leading role and have fun, and we also spend time with siblings waiting for parents who are visiting at the hospital.
Mr. Shibutane participated in the two-day training held in Tokyo in 2001 and the two-day training held in Tokyo in 2005.

Shibutane's blog

● Tochigi Utsunomiya City ~ SHAring Mind of Siblings ~ Siblings SHAMS
Started in May 2008 [For children]

This is a sibling meeting for siblings (elementary school students and above) with developmental disabilities.

SHAMS participated in a two-day training held in Kumamoto in 2008 and a two-day training held in Bellevue, Washington, USA in 2016.

SHAMS Contact: shams At sign Please change the at sign to @.
Notice Blog: Siblings SHAMS

● Miyagi Sendai City After School Parque Amigo Club, a non-profit organization

The "Amigo Club" was established in 2005 after hearing the thoughts of parents about their siblings and feeling the need for sibling support.
"Amigo Club" is a club for siblings of children who use Paruke to make friends while having a good time together. We carry out elementary school siblings for elementary school siblings and siblings for junior high school siblings and above. (Reprinted from Paruke's site).

Mr. Parke participated in a two-day training held in Bellevue, Washington, USA in 2016 and a two-day training held in Tokyo in 2019.

Paruke's site

● Chiba Kamogawa City Kameda Medical Center (Kameda General Hospital) KAMEDA Sibshop

A pediatrician participated in a two-day training session in Tokyo in March 2019.

Pediatrics Facebook

● Kyoto Kameoka City Kyoto Children's Siblings Meeting

Erumo participated in a two-day training held in Tokyo in March 2019.

Erumo's site

Erumo's Facebook

● Tokyo Higashikurume City Spot-billed Duck Flower Meeting Spot-billed Duck Shibu Shop

The person in charge of the Karugamo Flower Association participated in the two-day training held in Tokyo in March 2019.

● Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture The SODA Soda Association with Inaudible Siblings The SODA Shibu Shop Association itself was established in April 2018. Mr. Fujiki, the representative, participated in the 4-day training (sponsored by the sibling support project) held online in July 2020.

Soda Association site

● Gunma Prefecture Ota City Siblings Association Shirabe

Started in January 2018 [For children] [For adults]

This is a meeting for siblings of people with developmental disabilities and intellectual disabilities.
Currently, the focus is on events for children, with the aim of making friends and places to stay while playing.
The adult siblings' meeting is scheduled to be held from now on. Please contact us for details.
Mr. Shiromi, the manager, participated in the two-day training held in Tokyo in March 2019.

Contact Email: shirabe0121 At sign (Please change the at sign to @)

Shiromi's blog


Hokkaido and Tohoku




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​Meeting to spread sibling support

The Society for Disseminating Sibling Support has been active since 2004 with the aim of disseminating support for siblings of people with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Since the challenges that siblings can have change with age and last a lifetime, the support targets include not only children but also adults.

© ©Meeting to spread sibling support

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